Verify Catalog Number


This activity is used to create a position part number. The position part number is created in the Template Structures Prepared for Transfer/Prepare Transfer to Manufacturing window in IFS Manufacturing.

It is important to check whether all the structure positions in a template structure have a catalog number. It is also important that they have different catalog numbers. This is a must, before any transfer can take place. 

The system will check if the catalog number is unique for a template and it will also check if the catalog numbers are unique for all template structures below and all template structures above.  


System Effects


Serial Structure Template
Template Structure Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Structure Template/General 
Template Structure Navigator/General  
Serial Structure Template/Multilevel
Template Structure Navigator


  1. Open Serial Structure Template/General or Template Structure Navigator/General and enter the catalog number, if it is not already defined.
  2. Open Serial Structure Template/Multilevel or Template Structure Navigator to check whether the sub-parts that are lower in the structure have got catalog numbers.