IFS Maintenance Information Sources

Information sources are a combination of facts and dimensions which are structured and holds information about a specific transaction table in IFS Applications. Currently there are 6 information sources based on IFS Maintenance. One or many of these information sources can be used when creating an IFS Business Reporter report.
An overview of each information source which is mainly based on IFS Maintenance, is given below:

Work Order

General Description

Work Order Information Source is based on work orders. This information source carries work orders in all statuses, i.e both active and historical work orders as well as work requests and fault reports.


Access Types

  1. DataMart
  2. Online

Specific Attributes

Supported Dimensions

Main Features Supporting IFS Business Reporter

Work Order Budget

General Description

Work Order Budget Information Source is based on the manually entered budget cost and revenues on work orders.


This Information Source should mostly be used in conjunction with cost and revenue follow-up using Information Source Work Order Actuals.

Access Types

  1. DataMart
  2. Online

Specific Attributes


Supported Dimensions

Main Features Supporting IFS Business Reporter

Work Order Planned

General Description

Work Order Planned Information Source is based on the planning lines on work orders.


This Information Source should mostly be used in conjunction with cost and revenue follow-up using Information Source Work Order Actuals.

Access Types

  1. DataMart
  2. Online

Specific Attributes


Supported Dimensions

Main Features Supporting IFS Business Reporter

Work Task

General Description

Work Task Information Source is based on Work Task.

A work order can have one or more work tasks connected to it. Work task is an entity which executes the work initiated through a Fault Report or Service request. You can use this window to update information about the faulty equipment if it differs from the reported one. Performed maintenance activities are reported, monitored and invoiced to customer if IFS/Service Management is used, through the work task.


Following are some report examples that might be created based on this Information Source:

Access Types

  1. DataMart
  2. Online

Specific Attributes

Supported Dimensions

Main Features Supporting IFS Business Reporter

Work Task Actuals Cost

General Description

Work Task Actuals Cost Information Source is based on the cost for task that has been performed on work Task. This information source carries transactions for Expenses, External, Fixed Price, Material, Personnel, and Tool/Equipment.


Following are some report examples that might be created based on this Information Source:

Access Types

  1. DataMart
  2. Online

Specific Attributes

Supported Dimensions

Main Features Supporting IFS Business Reporter

Work Task Actuals Sales

General Description

Work Task Actuals Sales Information Source is based on the sales for task that has been performed on work Task. This information source carries transactions for Expenses, External, Fixed Price, Material, Personnel, and Tool/Equipment. For instance, a sales lines will be generated when issuing material for a work task and sales parts have been connected.


Following are some report examples that might be created based on this Information Source:

Access Types

  1. DataMart
  2. Online

Specific Attributes

Supported Dimensions

Main Features Supporting IFS Business Reporter

Work Task Accounting

General Description

Work Task Accounting Information Source is based on transactions related to work tasks. It is possible to view combination of data from the Work Order, Work Task, Work Task Transaction and Work Task Cost windows. 


Following are some report examples that might be created based on this Information Source:

Access Types

  1. DataMart
  2. Online

Specific Attributes

Supported Dimensions

Main Features Supporting IFS Business Reporter