View BR Report


This activity is used to view a Business Reporter (BR) report. It could be either a report saved on disk or a report published in IFS Applications.


In order to access a report you must be an authenticated BR end user.

System Effects


Related Process Model

View and Analyze BR Report

Related Activity

Order Through BR Client
Order Through IFS Applications
Analyze BR Report


View a BR Report Saved on Disk:

  1. Open the report saved on disk.
  2. Log in giving user name and password.
  3. If you want to view the latest data, execute the report again.
    Note: The option Disable Execution in Report Mode should not have been selected in design mode.

View a BR Report published to IFS Applications:

The procedure to order reports is explained in the related activities.

There are several methods to view an ordered report.
They are:

To view a report in the BR Viewer, a Business Reporter specific system parameter should be defined. Please contact a Systems Administrator to enable this parameter.
A report opened in BR Viewer can be opened in Excel by clicking on the option Open Business Reporter.