Cube Dimension - Proj End Date

This cube dimension represents a time dimension supporting project end date and is based on the IFS Applications dimension DIM_BI_TIME. All cubes that refers to this dimension will have the attributes and hierarchies as described below.

NOTE that currenct year and month are defined by the date when the transfer was done to the data warehouse.


Attribute Hierarchy Description
Proj End Date NO Key. Date
Proj End Date String NO The date converted to string according to the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
Proj End Month NO Represents the name of the month with respect to Proj End Date
Proj End Month No NO Represents the month of the year with respect to Proj End Date
Proj End Month Short NO Represents the short name of the month (MMM) of the year with respect to Proj End Date
Proj End Quarter NO Represents the quarter of the year with respect to Proj End Date
Proj End Week No NO Represents the ISO week number with respect to Proj End Date
Proj End Weekday NO Represents the name of the day with respect to Proj End Date
Proj End Weekday No NO Represents the number of a day in a the week with respect to Proj End Date
Proj End Year NO Represents the year with respect to Proj End Date
Proj End Year Month NO Represents a combination of YEAR and MONTH_OF_YEAR in the format "YYYYMM"
Current Month Flag NO Represents a flag that is set to 1 if the date represents the current month. Else the value is 0.
Current Year Flag NO Represents a flag that is set to 1 if the date represents the current year. Else the value is 0.
Last 12 Months Flag NO Represents a flag that is set to 1 if the date represents one of the last completed 12 months. Else the value is 0. If transfer date is 15 Nov 2015, then last 12 months means the range Nov 2014 until Oct 2015
Last 24 Months Flag NO Represents a flag that is set to 1 if the date represents one of the last completed 24 months. Else the value is 0. If transfer date is 15 Nov 2015, then last 24 months means the range Nov 2013 until Oct 2015
ProjEndMSHy YES Hierarchy defined as "Proj End Year" -> "Proj End Quarter" -> "Proj End Month"
ProjEndMFHy YES Hierarchy defined as "Proj End Year" -> "Proj End Quarter" -> "Proj End Month" -> "Proj End Date"
ProjEndWSHy YES Hierarchy defined as "Proj End Year" -> "Proj End Week No"
ProjEndWFHy YES Hierarchy defined as "Proj End Year" -> "Proj End Week No" -> "Proj End Date"


Cube Name

ETL Information

BI Access View BI Component Recommended
Source Type


ETL Step File Name of SSIS Package Table Name
E - Stage 1.1.013 Load IFSAppl_DIM_BI_TIME_BI.dtsx IFSAppl_DIM_BI_TIME_BI
T - DW 2.1.013 Load Dw_DIM_TIME.dtsx Dw_DIM_TIME
L - DM 3.1.013 Load Dm_DIM_TIME.dtsx Dm_DIM_TIME