Cube Dimension - Inventory Transaction History

This cube dimension represents inventory transaction history and is based on the IFS Applications fact view FACT_INVENT_TRANS_HIST. All cubes that refers to this dimension will have the attributes and hierarchies as described below.


Attribute Hierarchy Description
Configuration ID NO This number is automatically assigned to identify a specific part configuration specification which is a unique combination of characteristics and options that is used in conjunction with a Configurable part.
Direction NO The direction of the transaction. It describes whether the quantity in stock is decreased (-), increased (+), or unaffected (0) by the transaction.
Inventory Transaction History ID NO Key. Displays the identification number of the inventory transaction.
Last Loaded NO Identifies the last time the fact table was loaded.
Lot Batch No NO A lot or batch is a quantity of parts produced together that shares the same production specifications and costs.
Order No NO Depending on the type of order, a reference to the origin is displayed. The order number is displayed for shop orders, work orders, customer orders, purchase orders, and material requisitions.
Order Type NO The type of order from which the transaction originated, e.g., a purchase order or shop order.
Performed By NO The user ID of the person who performed the transaction.
Source NO Identifies the source for the transaction
Waiv Dev Rej No NO This is the quantity with a deviating W/D/R Number.
StatPeriodHy YES Hierarchy defined as "Stat Year No" -> "Stat Period No"


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