Cube - Human Resources



Main scenarios are:

To see which dimensions that can be used with each fact in, for example Excel pivot analysis, see chapter Fact and Dimension Connections below.

Overview Fact

Cube Fact (DSV name) Measure Group Referenced Information Source BI ACCESS View Access Type

Each measure in the facts is described in section Measures. Corresponding Information Sources are described below. Detalled infomation about Information Sources can be found in IFS Online Documentation.


Employee analysis information source is based on IFS\Employee Analysis. The information source offers analysis capabilities on headcontes over time.

Used Dimensions

Cube Dimension Note
AGE GROUP Human Resources dimension
COST CENTER Human Resources dimension
EMPLOYEE DURATION Human Resources dimension
EMPLOYEE Human Resources dimension
EMPLOYMENT END DATE Human Resources dimension
EMPLOYMENT START DATE Human Resources dimension
EMPLOYMENT Human Resources dimension
HEADCOUNT DATE Human Resources dimension
JOB Human Resources dimension
ORGANISATION CODE Human Resources dimension
ORG STRUCTURE - CURRENT Human Resources dimension
ORG STRUCTURE - ALTERNATIVE Human Resources dimension
POSITION Human Resources dimension
SNAPSHOT Human Resources dimension


Limitations and Configurations

In order for the cube to build properly it is necessary that person identities referenced in within a snapshot category share the same name. The person identity name is in this version not part of a dimension and the solution was to include the name in the fact table instead. This means that every time a snaphot is created with respect to a specific snapshot category, the name of a person identity must be the same (which is probably the normal case). It is allowed for the same person to have different names in different snapshot categories but not in the snapshots relaed to one category. The reason for a person identity to have different names over time could be due to incorrect name definition. So correcting the name might lead to problems.

The HR cube only supports one Age Group Class. It is necessary to define the Age Group Class in IFS Applications and then to define relevant lookup information for the ETL process. Refer technical documentation for more information.

Fact and Dimension Connections

The following picture shows how different facts in the cube are connected to the available dimensions.



Aggregation of measures is based on SUM if not explicitly noted.

Basic Measures

This sections describes the basic measures in the cube. These are either measures defined in the core Information Source or in the ETL process. The columns have the following meaning:

Measure Measure Group Core Measure ETL Measure Cube Measure Measure Expression Reporting Currency Measure Aggr. Method Note
Age Employee Analysis YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Represents current Age of Employee
Avg Period Curr Employments Employee Analysis NO YES NO NO NO AverageOfChildren Average number of current valid employments
Count Employees Rows Employee Analysis NO YES NO NO NO Count Number of records. Mainly used for calculations
Current Work Experience Employee Analysis YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Number of months
Start Employment FTE Employee Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM Number of FTE's starting in the period
End Employment FTE Employee Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM Number of FTE's ending in the period
Start Employment Headcount Employee Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM Number of employments starting in the period
End Employment Headcount Employee Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM Number of employments ending in the period
Period FTE Employee Analysis YES NO NO NO NO AverageOfChildren  
Period Headcount Employee Analysis YES NO NO NO NO AverageOfChildren  
Sum Age Employee Analysis YES YES NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Number of months
Sum Period Current Employments Employee Analysis NO YES NO NO NO SUM Sum of Period Current Employments
Total Work Experience Employee Analysis YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Number of months

Calculated Measures

Calculated measures are in the cube calculated with respect to other measures. The table below defines the general meaning/definition of each calculated measure.

Measure Meaning
Avg Age Sum Age / Count Employees Rows
Avg Current Work Experience Current Work Experience / Period Headcount
Avg Total Work Experience Total Work Experience / Period Headcount
Employee Begin Turnover % Start Employment Headcount / Period Headcount
Employee Quit Turnover % End Employment Headcount / Period Headcount

Time Based Measures

No time based measure is used in the Human Resourced cube.

Included Example Reports and Dashboards

This section lists dashboards and reports in the example content for the BI Analysis Package that is using this cube:

UI Name Type
Headcount Analysis Excel Dashboard
Average Headcount Report
Headcount by Age Group APC - Analysis Panel Component
Headcount by Gender APC - Analysis Panel Component
Headcount Job by Gender APC - Analysis Panel Component
Headcount Gender Last Month APC - Analysis Panel Component
Headcount FTE last 12 Months APC - Analysis Panel Component
Headcount FTE last 12 Months by Position APC - Analysis Panel Component
Headcount Job Last Month APC - Analysis Panel Component
Headcount by Job APC - Analysis Panel Component

Required Components

The BI specific and also related core components listed in this section are required, i.e. they must along with other dependent components, be part of the customer installation to successfully use this cube.

NOTE that only directly used components are listed. Each such component can have its own list of dependent components. Please refer to the Component Deployment Profile File for each component to get the full picture.

Component Type Component Name Product
BISEDI BI BI Services Dimensions Business Intelligence
APTOOL BI Common scripts and utilities, BI Anapac Business Intelligence
APPSDI BI Application Services Analysis Package Dimension Business Intelligence
ENTEDI BI Enterprise Analysis Package Dimensions Business Intelligence
ACCRDI BI Accounting Rules Analysis Package Dimensions Business Intelligence
ACCRFT BI Accounting Rules Analysis Package Fact Business Intelligence
PERSDI BI Person Analysis Package Dimensions Business Intelligence
PERSFT BI Person Analysis Package Facts Business Intelligence
HRHCTC BI Human Resources Headcount Cube Business Intelligence
ENTERP CORE Enterprise Financials
ACCRUL CORE Accounting Rules Financials
PERSON CORE Organization Human Resources

Note: BI Component used will be HRHCTC