Find Part by Attribute


Use this activity to find a part by searching attributes. This means that you can search for parts that have certain characteristic values. This is called a Best Fit Search. A wizard will guide you through the search.



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Best Fit Search

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Best Fit Search


  1. Select the technical class. At the bottom of the window, there is a counter showing how many parts belong to that class.
  2. Click the Next button. The alphanumeric attributes for the selected class are listed in the table.
  3. Enter the alphanumeric values you want to search for.
  4. Click Next. The numeric attributes for the selected class are listed in the table.
  5. Enter the numeric values you want to search for.
  6. Click Next. The table lists all parts that fulfill the specified criteria. To search again, click the Back button to return to the previous steps, and enter new values to search again.