Define Process Class


This activity is used to define a process class. The Process Class will be an identifier for grouping Item Classes within the same Operational context, Functional or System, when performing an RCM Analysis. It can be structure into a hierarchical breakdown, where used in conjunction with the IFS RCM Toolkit Integration module creates a visual directory structure aiding the user in his/her RCM Analysis. Equipment objects, tool/equipments, linear assets can be connected to a process class.



System Effects


Maintenance Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Maintenance Basic Data
Maintenance Basic Data/Process Classes


  1. Open the Maintenance Basic Data window.
  2. Create a new record in the Process Classes tab.
  3. Enter values in the Process Class and Process Class Name fields.
  4. Save the record.
  5. To create a structure, use the List of Values to enter an existing process class in the Parent Process Class field.
  6. Save the record.