Assign Default Filter per Person


This activity is used to assign a default filter to your user. When this is done, unassigned work tasks will be displayed in the My Work/ Unassigned Work tab based on this filter, when you open the window. If a default filter is not defined for your user, all unassigned work tasks on all sites allowed to your user will be displayed in the My Work/ Unassigned Work tab.

Only one filter can be defined as the default filter per person. Furthermore, if a resource group has been defined for the filter, you must have the relevant resource group before you can assign the filter to your user.


To perform this activity, a Work Task filter must have been defined in Work Task Basic Data window for the site to which your employee belongs or a filter with no site must have been defined.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, you will be able to query and retrieve unassigned work tasks according to the grouping criteria as set in the basic data. This allows team leaders, work leaders and engineers to query according to their specific needs.


Resource Navigator


  1. Open the Resource Detail window.
  2. Query for the Person resource to which the filter should be assigned.
  3. Click the Maintenance Employee tab and select the relevant employee ID.
  4. Click the Work Task Filter tab.
  5. In the Filter ID field, enter the default filter for your user. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  6. Save the information (F12).