Posting Control - General

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Posting control refers to the translation of different business events in IFS Applications into financial transactions. A great part of financial postings are created automatically by predefined posting types and control types in IFS/Accounting Rules. A posting rule is defined by combining a posting type and a control type to build the code string for a certain business event.

It is possible to change the default posting types, control types and allowed combination control types before putting the system online.

Since a transaction can be posted to more than one code part, more than one code part can be defined for a posting type at any given time.

At any given time, only one control type can be defined for a posting type. However, you may define several rules over time by entering different dates in the Valid From field in the Posting Control window.


Levels of Posting Control

You can define posting rules at three different levels.

  1. The posting rules can be defined in the Posting Control window by entering values in the fields Default Value No Details and Default Value No CT. By doing so, the system will use these two code part values as default values when certain conditions are met.
  2. Where the posting of the transaction depends on the control type value,  the posting rules are defined in the Posting Control Details window where a code part value can be specified for individual control type values. If the control type defined for the posting type is a combination control type, then the relevant code part values are defined in the  Posting Control Combination Details window. The process is similar to that done in the Posting Control Details window, but you enter values for the two control types that are included in the combination.
  3. If the posting  of the transaction depends on the value of another control type combined with a control type value entered in the Posting Control Details window, then the other control type must be specified in the Specification Control Type field in the Posting Control Details window. This will enable you to define code part values for the individual specification control types in the Posting Control Details Specification window. If the specification control type is a combination control type, the relevant code part values will be defined in the Posting Control Combination Details Specification window. The process is similar to that done in the Posting Control Details Specificationwindow, but you enter values for the two control types that are included in the combination.


Default Code Part Values

It is possible to define code part values in the fields Default Value No Details and Default Value No CT in the Posting Control window. The values entered in these fields are used as default values when certain conditions are met.

The following example can be used to illustrate this.

The control type for posting type IP1 is IC5 Preliminary Codes. The code part defined for IP1 is Account. Accounts have been defined for the preliminary codes 1, 2 and 3 in the Posting Control Details window.

Default Value No Details - 2450      Default Value No CT Value - 2454

This can have the following results.

  1. If you enter a supplier invoice and give one of the preliminary codes 1-3, the invoice amount will be posted to the corresponding account.
  2. If you enter a supplier invoice and give the preliminary code 4, the invoice amount will be posted to the account specified in the Default Value No Details field (2450).
  3. If you enter a supplier invoice and do not give a preliminary code, the invoice amount will be posted to the account specified in the Default Value No CT Value field (2454).

The fields Specification Default No Details and Specification Default Value No CT Value in the Posting Control Details window work the same way as the fields Default Value No Details and Default Value No CT in the Posting Control window except that the use of default values entered in the Posting Control Details window depends on the control type values defined for the specification control types.


Categories of Control Types

Control types are divided into four categories based on their behavior.