Enter Tax Information


This activity is to be used for companies using address level tax and where the ship-to tax applies. Either tax codes or tax calculation structure can be specified here for site delivery address and will be used as defaults when entering purchase order lines or supplier invoice lines. The default tax information entered here is retrieved if the Use Supplier Address for Tax check box is not selected for the delivery address in the Supplier/Address/Delivery Tax Information tab and the Use Project Address for Tax is not selected on the invoice.

You can also enter tax exempt information for sites that qualify for tax exempt status.


System Effects



Related Window Descriptions

Company, Company/Address/Tax Information, Company/Address/Tax Information/Taxes, Company Address/Tax Information/Tax Exempt Info


  1. Open the Company window.
  2. Query for the company ID.
  3. Select an address ID for your company in the Address ID field.    
  4. Click the Tax Information tab.
  5. You can enter either the tax calculation structure in the Tax Information tab or tax codes in the Taxes Tab.
  6. If no tax calculation structure is entered in the Tax Calculation Structure field, Click the Taxes tab.
  7. Enter a tax code in the Tax Code field manually or by using the List of Values.    
  8. The Description and Percentage fields will automatically fill in, based on the tax code selected.
  9. Save the record.
  10. If you want to enter tax-exempt information for the delivery address, click the Tax Exempt Info tab.
  11. Create a new record.
  12. Enter the tax exemption certificate number.
  13. In the Certificate Type field, select either Agreement, to indicate tax exempt status for all purchases, or Single, for tax exemption for purchases of a specific product.
  14. Enter the certificate jurisdiction, issue, and expiration dates.
  15. Save the record.