Create Accounting Period


This activity is used to create accounting years, accounting periods, voucher number series, user groups per voucher series and user groups per period. When using this function accounting years and periods will always be created while voucher number series, user groups per voucher series and user groups per period are optional to create.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Create Accounting Periods

Related Window Descriptions

Create Accounting Periods


To perform this activity:

  1. Open the Create Accounting Periods dialog.
  2. Select company/companies to create new accounting years and accounting periodsfor by selecting the checkbox Include.
  3. Select the Source Year which will be the base accounting year and used to copy data from. Default year will be the last existing accounting year for the specific company. The Source Year can be modified.
  4. Select From Year. Default year is year after last existing accounting year. From year can be earlier that source year.
  5. Select Until Year. Default year is year after last existing accounting year. Maximum number of years to create is 99 per company.
  6. Specify which method to use for creation of voucher number series by selecting an option in column Voucher Number Series Creation Method:

  7. Select checkbox Exclude User Group per Voucher Series if user groups per voucher series should be excluded from the creation. If the Voucher Number Series Creation Method is Exclude, this option will be selected automatically.
  8. Select checkbox Exclude User Group per Period if user group per period should be excluded from the creation.
  9. Specify in which status the periods should be created by selecting an option in column Period Status.
  10. Select OK.