Create External File Type Parameters Per Set


Use this activity to create a parameter per set definition, i.e. creating a definition where all available parameters for an external file type are associated with a specific parameter set.

This is useful when creating a new definition of parameters per set. In order to speed up this work the create activity can be used and then directly after create it is possible to modify the created definition.


Available parameters must have been defined for the external file type. If this activity is used on an existing parameter set then there must not be any parameters associated with the set.

System Effects

When a parameter per set definition has been created then the parameter set can be referred to when handling input or output files via the External Files toolkit.


External File Type Parameter Definition

Related Window Descriptions

External File Type Parameter Definition


  1. Open the External File Type window.
    Right-click in the header part and click External File Type Parameter Definition to launch the External File Type Parameter Definition window.
  2. Click on the Parameter Sets tab.
  3. Click New and define a new parameter set and click Save.
  4. Click on the new set, right-click and click Create Parameters Per Set From Available Parameters to start the create process.
  5. The External File Type Parameter Set Definition window will be launched automatically to make it easy to see what was created as well as modifying the created definitions.