Correct External File Template Definitions


This activity should be performed if the Check If External File Template Is Valid activity in the External File Template window reports that the current template definition is not valid.

The validation activity will provide a message that provides some indication of what is wrong with the current definition. Modify the template definition by changing the template detail data, the input/output file options and/or the input/output file template control conditions.


The Check If External File Template Is Valid activity has reported an error.

System Effects

After correcting the template definition, the Check If External File Template Is Valid activity can be performed again to ensure that the definitions are accurate.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Use the available tabs and windows associated with external file templates to correct the template definition.
  2. Perform the Check If External File Template Is Valid activity in the External File Template window to verify the modifications.
  3. Perform the above steps until the template is designated valid.