Enter Characteristic Templates


Use this activity to enter and maintain characteristic templates containing groups of characteristic codes.

Characteristics allow you to identify a particular part among similar products by specifying certain unique details. You are then able to search for specific parts by indicating certain characteristics.

The characteristic codes are used to identify details that are unique. These codes can either be variable or discrete. The variable characteristics codes are used when the attribute value can have any value. As an example, length can be anything from 10 to 30 mm. On the other hand, discrete characteristic codes are used when there are a limited number of attribute values available, e.g., length can only be 10 mm, 20 mm, or 30 mm. It is not possible to enter attribute values for a part other than those defined.

Relevant characteristic codes (i.e. variable or discrete) are then grouped in a characteristic template. The characteristic template can be connected to inventory parts, purchase parts, and sales parts. All these parts can have both variable and discrete characteristic codes connected, as well as templates with both variable and discrete characteristic codes. 


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Part Characteristic Template

Related Window Descriptions

Part Characteristic Template
Part Characteristic Template/Variable Template Characteristics
Part Characteristic Template/Discrete Template Characteristics


  1. Open the Part Characteristic Template window.
  2. To enter variable characteristic template values in the Variable Template Characteristics tab, create a new record or search for an existing template.
  3. In the Characteristic Code field, select the characteristic code from the List of Values. The Characteristic Description field is populated.
  4. In the UoM field, select the unit of measure from the List of Values.
  5. Save the changes.
  6. To enter discrete template characteristics, click the Discrete Template Characteristics tab.
  7. Create a new record or search for an existing template.
  8. In the Characteristic Code field, select the characteristic code from the List of Values. The Characteristic Description field is populated.
  9. In the UoM field, select the unit of measure from the List of Values.
  10. Save the changes.