Create and Maintain Configuration Sales Rule Formulas


This activity is used when you want to create a formula for use in the configuration sales rules.

A configuration formula allows you to define a mathematical expression or an alphanumeric expression using configuration values, values and operators to create a value used during sales rules evaluation.

The formula is comprised of element lines, each representing a single element of syntax in the formula.

For example, the formula to round a entered value for height of a door defined as [ROUND (HEIGHT / 50) * 50] would be expressed as 8 elements:

Function ROUND
Operator ( Open Parantesis
Char Value HEIGHT
Operator / Division
Value 50
Operator ) Close Parantesis
Operator * Multiplication
Value 50



System Effects

As a result of this activity, a formula is created for use in the configuration sales rules.


Sales Rule Formula

Related Window Descriptions

Sales Rule Formula


  1. Open the Sales Rule Formula window and create a new record.
  2. In the Config Family ID field, select a configuration family from the List of Values. This also sets the configuration family ID description, which defines the set of configuration characteristics that can be used within this formula.
  3. In the Formula ID field, enter an alphanumeric code to identify this formula, and then enter a description in the Description field. 
  4. In the Formula Type field, select whether the type should be Alpha or Numeric.
  5. Save your changes.
  6. The Status field then defaults to Planned, indicating that the formula is not yet ready for use.
  7. Click New in the element table to create a new formula element line.
  8. Select a value from the Item Type list for the field.
  9. You can also select values for Operator, Function, Characteristics, or Characteristic Quantity by using the List of Values. Different operators and functions will be available depending on the formula type.
  10. If the item type is either Characteristic Value or Characteristic Qty, enter a value in the Test Value field to be used for testing the formula. This is used to simulate an actual value from a configuration.
  11. Continue entering formula elements as described above until the formula is composed.
  12. Right-click anywhere in the header and click Release Formula. The sales rule formula can now be used in a sales rule / sales rule template.