Create Configuration Description Based on Characteristics


Use this activity when you want to define the content of the configuration description. Configuration description definition is associated with a specific part configuration revision. The maximum text length of the configuration description is 2000 characters.

Configuration description can be defined to include characteristics and/or option values together with free text. If nothing is defined, the part description will be used as the configuration description. When a new configuration revision is created by copying, the configuration description will also be copied.

Translations of the Configuration Description can be done by using the right-click option Translations.


IFS/Configuration Back Office must be installed. At least one configuration part specification revision must exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the configuration description for configurations of the part configuration revision will be shown according to this set-up.


Part Configuration Revision

Related Window Descriptions

Part Configuration Revision


  1. In the Part Configuration Revision window, query for the part for which the configuration description needs to be edited.
  2. Select the Configuration Description tab.
  3. In the Description field, you can see already existing configuration description and enter text according to your own choice.
  4. If characteristic description or option values should be used in the configuration description, open the tree structure to the left for the Characteristic ID.
  5. Double click the desired characteristics field to the left and it will pop-up as last field in the Configuration Description.

Note: It is possible to put in free text between variables after they have been picked into the Configuration Description.