View / Enter Pre-Posting Customer Payment Order


The View or Enter Pre-Posting Customer Payment Order activity is used to view and enter pre-posting code string that will be used when postings are created for the payment. Pre-posting information can be specified for all code parts apart from account. The pre-posting code string will be used for all posting types that have pre-posting as the control value for a code part.


The pre-posting code string will be used for all posting types that have pre-posting as the control value for a code part. Define posting control information in Posting Control.

System Effects

The pre-posting code string will be used for all posting types that have pre-posting as the control value for a code part.


Customer Payment Orders

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Payment Orders

Customer Payment Order Details


To View or Enter Pre-Posting:

  1. Open Customer Payment Orders and Populate or Query to be able to select a payment order.
  2. Click the right mouse button function Details. You the access Customer Payment Order Details. Mark the relevant row and click the right mouse button function Pre-Posting. If pre-posting took place at invoice entry, the pre-posting is displayed.
  3. To enter or change the pre-posting, use the List of Values button and enter pre-posting. Click OK.
  4. To save the pre-posting, click Save in Customer Payment Order Details.