Order - Customer Invoices Due for Payment Report


This activity is used to print the Customer Invoices Due for Payment report. The report displays all invoices with payments due up to a selected due date.


This activity requires that customer invoices with status PostedAuth and/or PartlyPaidPosted exist.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the report is printed either on paper or to the screen display.


Customer Invoices Due for Payment

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Invoices due for Payment


To order customer invoices due for payment:

  1. Open the Customer Invoices Due for Payment dialog box.
  2. Enter a date in the Until Due Date field. Only invoices of which the due date is the same as or earlier than this date will be included in the report.
  3. If you want the selection of invoices to be based on the customer number, select the Customer No option and enter relevant values in the From and To fields.
  4. If you want the selection of invoices to be based on the customer group, select the Customer Group option and enter relevant values in the From and To fields.
  5. Enter a currency code for the Currency  field if you want only invoices in a specific currency to be included in the report.
  6. Enter a payer in the Payer ID field if you want only invoices with a specific payer to be included in the report.
  7. Select the Print Only Invoices with Highest Reminder Status to include only invoices with the highest reminder status in the report.
  8. Click Print  to print the report.

Note: This report can also be printed from AR Reports/Reports.