Difference Notice

Description of process

The Difference Notice process is used to create a notice to the customer if a payment is posted as a Partly Paid Invoice. There are functions for creating difference notice proposals, printing difference notice proposals and printing difference notices.

You can define various difference notices codes and create notice proposals by selecting on specific codes or customers. By using different notice templates for different difference codes, various standard texts will be printed on the notice. After a proposal has been created, it can be modified by excluding single details. Difference Notices must be acknowledged to enable printing. There is a function in the process for viewing all difference notices generated within the system in various statuses, depending on whether they have been selected to a difference notice proposal or if they already have been printed on a notice.

Before you start entering information, check that Basic Data Required (BDR) has been set up as per instructions in Define Financials Basics, the Set up Basic Data Customer Credit Management process.