Connect Document to Document Folder


This activity is used to connect a document to a document folder. A document can be connected to a document folder from the document or from the document folder. When connecting a document from the document folder, the document can be an existing document or you can create a new document and connect it to the document folder.


System Effects

The document is connected to the specified folder.


Document Revision
Document Folders
Document Folder Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Document Folders
Document Revision

Document Revision/
Document Folder Navigator
Document Folder Navigator/Documents


Use one of the following procedures to connect a document to a document folder.

Connect to Document Folder from an Existing Document:

  1. Open the Document Revision window, query for a document revision and click the Objects tab.
  2. Click New to create a new row. The Connect Object dialog box opens.
  3. From the Object field's list, select Document Folder to populate the dialog box with document folders. If you are not able to find the folder you are looking for, click Query and enter more specific search criteria.
  4. Select a document folder and click OK to close the dialog box and enter that document folder in the new row.
  5. Enter a value in the Association Category field and/or edit the value in the Update Revision field.
  6. Click Save to connect the document folder to the document revision.

Connect an Existing Document to the Document Folder:

  1. Open the Document Folders window and query for a document folder.
  2. Select the document folder, click the Attachments tab in the context pane and then click on the Documents link. Note: You can also use the Insert Existing Document command directly through the Document Folders window.
  3. Right-click in the Documents window and select Attach to open the Attach Documents dialog box containing existing documents. 
  4. Populate the dialog box.
  5. Select the required document and click OK.


  1. Expand the Business Object Explorer folder in the IFS Navigator.
  2. Expand the Explore Documents folder.
  3. Expand the tree view for Document Folder(s).
  4. Expand a folder for which you want to connect a document.
  5. Expand a folder containing a document you want to move.
  6. Drag and drop the document from one folder to the other.
  7. Select the document folder to which you moved the document and click Refresh.
  8. Expand the folder to view the connected document.

Create and Connect a New Document to the Document Folder:

  1. Open the Document Folders window and query for a document folder.
  2. Select the document folder and click the Attachments tab in the context pane.
  3. Click the Documents link.
  4. Right-click anywhere in the lower window and click New.
  5. Enter a value in the Document Class field using the List of Values. Once this value is entered, values for Sheet, Revision and Number Generator are automatically retrieved from basic data and displayed in those fields. Click Advanced to view these values. These values except the one for the Number Generator field can be changed in this dialog box.
  6. Enter a title for your document in the Title field or click Browse beside the File Path field to select a file and obtain its title in the Title field.
  7. Enter a value in the Document Number field depending upon the value inserted into the Number Generator field. If the Number Generator field value is Advanced, you may also enter values in the Booking List and Number Counter fields.
  8. The default revision is automatically inserted into the Revision field. This value can be changed. A value is required in this field. 
  9. If you select the Structure check box, this document becomes a structure document. If you do not select the Structure check box, this document is not a structure document and the document can have multiple sheets. 
  10. Enter values for the Language Code and Format fields, as necessary.
  11. Click Create or Create and Edit as required.

You can also use the Create New Document command directly through the Document Folders window.

Connect an Existing Document using the Document Folder Navigator window:

  1. Open the Document Folder Navigator window and query for a document folder.
  2. Click on the Documents tab, right-click on the tab and click Insert Existing Document.
  3. Select the documents you wish to connect, click OK.
  4. Save the record (F12).

Create and Connect a New Document using the Document Folder Navigator window:

  1. Open the Document Folder Navigator window and query for a document folder.
  2. Click on the Documents tab, right-click on the tab and click Create New Document. lternatively, drag and drop the file(s) to the Document tab. The Create New Document dialog box opens.
  3. Enter the relevant information and click OK.
  4. Save the record (F12).

Note: Once you have created the new document, you can add a document file to it from the Document Revision window by selecting the new document, right-clicking, and clicking Document Revision.