Create Execution Item templates


This activity is used to create an execution item template for a compatible unit template. Execution item templates can be created as structures of sub execution item templates. It considers connecting all alternatives of possible execution item templates required by the different design requirements. Each execution item template is made possible connect with cost associations such as work lists, materials and resources. Right click in the navigator to change the status of either one execution item template or an entire execution item template structure.


A compatible unit template and an execution item template in the state of not Released must exist.

System Effects

An execution item template or template structure will be created and connected to a compatible unit template.


Compatible Unit Template Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Compatible Unit Template Navigator
Compatible Unit Template Navigator/Execution Items
Compatible Unit Template Navigator/Sub Execution Items


Create Execution Item Templates

  1. Open the Compatible Unit Template Navigator window.
  2. Select the required Compatible unit template.
  3. Click the Execution Items tab.
  4. Create a new record and enter values in Execution Item ID and Directive fields.
  5. Enter values in other fields as required.
  6. Save the information.

Create Sub Execution Item Templates

  1. Open the Compatible Unit Template Navigator window.
  2. Select the required Execution Item template.
  3. Click the Sub Execution Items tab.
  4. Create a new record and enter values in Execution Item ID and Directive fields.
  5. Enter values in other fields as required.
  6. Save the information.