Maintenance and Cleanup of Data

The Maintenance and Cleanup of Data process consists of the following sub processes:

Correct Operational Loggings

Keeping track of the utilization of a vehicle and its components is critical to ensure that due dates for a maintenance is calculated correctly. This again ensures that maintenance is done at the correct time and that the vehicle is not operated beyond the due dates.

This sub process handles the corrective transactions that can be made to the operational loggings for a vehicle. It is possible to add a missing operational logging, correct and existing one or mark an operational logging as a redundant logging for a vehicle and its components.

Archive Historical Operational Loggings

This sub process handles archiving of operational log history that is no longer needed for the daily work to be performed but still needs to be kept in the application for documentation purposes. The reason for why we recommend to archive historical loggings on a regular basis, is that the the amount of historical operational loggings can become very large. This again, can result in performance issues when entering operational loggings as well as other transactions which uses historical operational loggings in the application.

It is also possible to restore previously archived data. Restore of archived data can typically be useful when something has incorrectly been archived, or when an asynchronous transaction was forgotten prior to the previous archiving. When a restore is performed, the archived data is moved back to the operational logging history again.

Update Vehicle Condition History

This sub process handles the corrective transactions that can be made to the vehicle condition history.

The vehicle condition history holds information on all vehicle condition changes that have taken place for a vehicle. Historical entries are created when the vehicle condition is changed, either manually or automatically. This information can be used to identify the availability of a vehicle over a period of time.

There can be instances where a vehicle condition change has not been logged in the system, has been logged incorrectly or where retrospective changes are required as part of a work process. To support this, it is possible to add, correct or remove a historical entry in the vehicle condition history.