Add Vehicle Condition


This activity is used to add an entry to the vehicle condition history for a vehicle. This is useful, for instance, when a vehicle condition change entry has not been logged in the system and you need to update the history with the missing entries.

Note: It is not possible to add an entry that is later in time than the last entry in the vehicle condition history. This is to prevent mismatches between the current vehicle condition for the vehicle and the most recent entry in history. In addition, it is not possible to add an entry to the vehicle condition history when working with old serial information (i.e., where the vehicle has been renamed) or a serial that is locked.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, an entry will be added to the vehicle condition history for the vehicle. To easily identify manually added vehicle condition entries, the following information will be updated on the entry:


History per Serial
Vehicle Condition History List
Vehicle Condition History

Related Window Descriptions

Add Vehicle Condition
History per Serial/Vehicle Condition
Vehicle Condition History List
Vehicle Condition History
Vehicle Condition History/General


  1. Open the History per Serial window. Alternatively, you can use the Vehicle Condition History List window or the Vehicle Condition History window to add a vehicle condition entry.
  2. Click the Vehicle Condition tab.
  3. Select a record, right-click, and click Add Vehicle Condition. The Add Vehicle Condition dialog box opens.
  4. In the Vehicle Condition field, enter the vehicle condition of the new entry. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  5. In the Condition Date field, enter the date and time the vehicle condition was changed.
  6. Optionally, in the Mx Event Type field select the event type that triggered the vehicle condition change.
  7. Enter additional information on the event in the Mx Event Description field. If an event type is specified, a value is required to be entered in this field.
  8. In the Correction Remark field, enter the reason for adding the vehicle condition to the history.
  9. Click OK.