Work Center

[To Make to Stock Planning] [To Shop Order Planning]


Use this window to view information about a work center related to shop order operations in the schedule.

This window contains three tabs. The Show Status tab contains status information about the work center object. The Show Relations tab contains information about objects related to the work center object. The Show Setup Matrix tab shows all the changeover times for different characteristic values. For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Show Status, Show Contents, Show Relations, Show Setup Matrix.

Activity Diagrams





This window contains:

Work Center: A collection of resource objects. Hold down the Shift key and drag this object into the Gantt Chart list box. The Gantt chart now shows the times at which resources that belong to this work center have been booked by scheduled operations. If you do not hold down the Shift key while dragging the object, the Gantt chart shows summary schedule information about the work center.

Show Status

Status: The statuses of the operations that use this work center.

Start Date: The first date on which operations that use this work center are scheduled to start.

Finish Date: The last date on which operations that use this work center are scheduled to finish.

Show Contents

Work Center Code: Specifies whether the work center is internal or is an outside subcontractor.

Base Remaining Time On: The remaining time for operations performed on the work center.

Show Relations

Calendar: The calendar used by this work center to define available time for the work center's resources.

Characteristic Included in Setup Matrix: This field shows all the characteristics that are included in the setup matrix for this work center. To add characteristics to the setup matrix, drag a characteristic object into this list.  To remove a characteristic from the setup matrix, right-click the characteristic and click Remove. Note that removing a characteristic from the setup matrix also permanently erases all time values associated with the characteristic values stored in the setup matrix.  

Characteristic - Scheduling Constraint: If the characteristic is defined as a scheduling constraint for a work center, then parts with different characteristics values , for same characteristic code will not be scheduled to manufacture together in that work center . For example if "Color" is a characteristic code defined as a scheduling constraint for  a "Paint Booth" work center which has capacity to paint two cars together, the a Black Car and Red car will not be scheduled to share the paint booth at the same time. Here "Black" and "Red" are characteristic values for the part being manufactured ( in this case cars). But if they are with same color, then they will be scheduled together if needed and if other constraints are matched.

Show Setup Matrix

Scheduling Setup Times: This field is available only in the Simulation Client.  It allows you to schedule the setup times in the matrix either sequentially or in parallel.  For example, if the setup matrix has times for changing Color, Diameter, and Length and Perform Setups Sequentially is selected, then the total setup time will be the sum of the setup times for Color, Diameter, and Length.  If Perform Setups in Parallel is selected, then the scheduled setup time will be the maximum setup time of the three characteristics. 

Setup Matrix:  The changeover times for every combination of characteristic values for each related characteristic are shown in this view.  Each line shows the characteristic code and changeover time required to change from one characteristic value to a new one. When a characteristic is related to a work center, all combinations of the characteristic values are automatically added to the work center's setup matrix. Initially, all time values are set to zero. If you are using the Simulation Client, you can edit the time values by clicking the Time field of the line you want to edit and then typing a new time value.  In the Scheduling Client, the time values cannot be edited. The setup matrix is used when scheduling parts that have been given characteristic values. When an operation on a part is being scheduled on the work center, the previous part's characteristic is used as the From value, and the characteristic of the part being scheduled is used as the To value to obtain the setup time necessary for processing the two parts at this work center. If the previous part does not have matching characteristic values, then no setup time can be determined by using the setup matrix for this work center, and the part will instead be scheduled with the default setup time that is set for the operation.