Shop Order

[To Make to Stock Planning] [To Shop Order Planning]


Use this window to view information about a shop order and its related shop order operations in the schedule.

This window contains three tabs. The Show Status tab indicates whether any of the operations for this object are incomplete, unscheduled, assigned, scheduled, released, partially reported, reported, or tardy. The Show Contents tab contains detailed information about the shop order object. The Show Relations tab contains information about objects related to the shop order object. For the description of each view in the window, follow the appropriate link: Show Status, Show Contents, Show Relations, Show Project Information.

Note: Show Project Information tab will be visible only for project connected shop orders.

Activity Diagrams





This window contains:

Shop Order: The shop order object for the specified shop order. Hold down the Shift key and drag this object into the Gantt Chart list box. The Gantt chart now shows the scheduling of the operations related to this shop order.

Show Status

Status: The statuses of the operations related to this shop order.

Start Date: The first date on which operations related to this shop order are scheduled to start.

Finish Date: The last date on which operations related to this shop order are scheduled to finish.

Need Date: The date on which the material for this shop order should be available.

Notifications: This field will show identifiable planning or scheduling conflict related to this shop order. This may or may not affect the scheduling of the shop order. Planner will have to study this notification and need to take corrective actions if required.

Show Contents

Quantity: The process batch quantity for this shop order.

Tardiness: The amount of time that this shop order is past its need date.

Scheduling Direction: The direction the shop order is scheduled.

Part Number: The part being produced.

Characteristics: The characteristic values assigned to the part number associated with this shop order.

EPST: The earliest possible start time for this shop order. This is the time before which it is not possible to start this shop order.

LPST: The latest time that this shop order can be started and still be completed by the shop order's need date.

Date Entered: The time stamp from when this shop order was originally entered into the system. This is used for sorting on a first-come, first-served basis when scheduling.

Adjustment Factor: The user-defined priority of this shop order in terms of a percentage adjustment used when sorting with scheduling.

Adjusted Need Date: The need date adjusted by the adjustment factor, which gives a relative need date for sorting by earliest due date when scheduling.

Adjusted Date Entered: The date entered adjusted by the adjustment factor, which gives a relative need date for sorting on a first-come, first-served basis when scheduling.

Notes: Any information related to the shop order. This field accommodates up to 2000 characters and can be used as a means of providing information to someone who will process the shop order later.

Show Relations

Preceding Activities: A list of activity objects that must precede this shop order. The shop order cannot be scheduled before these activities.

Succeeding Activities: A list of activity objects that must follow this shop order. The shop order must be scheduled before these activities.

Related DOP Orders: A list of demand orders that require this shop order.

Related Batch Balance IDs: A list of batch balance ids that require this shop order.

Related Project Activities: A list of project activities that require this shop order.

Show Project Information

Program ID: The project to which the shop order is connected.

Program Description: The program description.

Project ID: The project to which the shop order is connected.

Project Description: The description of the project.

Project Name: The name of the project.

Sub Project ID: The sub project to which the shop order is connected. This sub project belongs to the project displayed in the Project ID field.

Sub Project Description: The sub project description.

Activity ID: The activity to which the shop order is connected. This activity belongs to the project and sub project displayed in the Project ID and Sub Project Id fields respectively.

Activity Description: The activity description.

Item Number: The unique identifier of the project item for this delivery project. This number is automatically generated when a project item has been added or copied to the product structure of a delivery project, and cannot be modified.

Engineering Revision: The part revision of the project item to be procured. This field is automatically filled in when Gross Requirements Calculation (GRC) has been performed in IFS Project, and cannot be manually updated.

Preceding Item: A list of shop orders that precede this shop order, based on the item structure. This does not affect scheduling.

Succeeding Item: A list of shop orders that follow this shop order, based on the item structure. This does not affect scheduling.