
[Constraint Based Scheduling Using the Scheduling Server][About Constraint Based Scheduling Using the APB][About Scheduling with Maintenance Planning Board]

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Use this window to view information about activities related to this project. A Project object is a collection of activities which in turn a collection of shop orders or work orders that need to be completed in order to fulfill the specific project activity requirements.

When using APB or CBS for Manufacturing this window contains two tabs. They are

Show Status : This tab indicates whether any of the shop orders connected to this particular activity has the status of Incomplete, Unscheduled, Assigned, Scheduled, Released, Partially Reported, Reported, and/or Tardy.

Show Contents : This tab contains project specific information.

For when using MPB for Maintenance it is possible to view the connection to stand alone work orders from a project. The connection between a work order structure and a project is however not made visible in MPB.

When using MPB for Maintenance this window contains two tabs. They are

Show Status : This tab indicates whether any of the work orders connected to this particular activity has the status of Incomplete, Unscheduled, Resources Assigned, Scheduled, Firm Planned, Work Started, Tardy, and/or Needs Rescheduling.

Show Contents : This tab contains project specific information.

Activity Diagrams

Interactive Scheduling with Advanced Planning Board
Interactive Scheduling with Scheduling Client
Interactive Scheduling with Simulation Client


Schedule Shop Orders/Operations Automatically or Using Drag-and-Drop
Highlight Options
Copy ID to Clip Board
Sort Options
Schedule Compress
Schedule Just-in-Time


When using APB or CBS for Manufacturing:

Project: The Project object for the defined balanced batch. Hold down the shift key and drag this object into the Gantt Chart list box. Then the Gantt chart can display the activities connected to this project.

Status : The combined statuses of all of the shop order operations for this project. The colors represent the possible statuses, Incomplete, Unscheduled, Assigned, Scheduled, Released, Partially Reported, Reported, and/or Tardy. A button to the left of a status indicates that one or more shop orders for this object is currently in that status. Double-click on the button to view the list of shop orders for each status.

Show Content:

This tab shows important activity related information.

Project Description: The description of the project.

Project Name: The name of the project.

Program ID: The project to which the shop order is connected.

Program Description: The program description.

Planned Start: The planned start date for the project. This value can be changed later. This value will be used as default value from the date for agreement in project quotation list.

Planned Finish: The planned finish date for the project. This value can be changed later. This value will be used as default value from the date for agreement in project quotation list

EPST: The earliest early start date of all activities in the selected subproject or project. The early start date for an activity can be updated in activities.

LPST: The latest early finish date of all activities in the selected subproject or project. The early finish date for an activity can be updated in activities.


When using MPB for Maintenance:

Scheduling Status : The combined statuses of all of the work order operations for this project. The colors represent the possible statuses, Incomplete, Unscheduled, Resources Assigned, Scheduled, Firm Planned, Work Started, Tardy, and/or Needs Rescheduling. A checked button to the left of a status indicates that one or more work orders for this object is currently in that status. Double-click on the button to view the list of work orders for each status.

Planned Start : The earliest Date and Time for Planned Start of the work orders connected to the project.

Planned Finish : The latest Date and Time for Planned Finish of the work orders connected to the project.

Show Content:

This tab shows important project related information.

Project Name: The name of the project.

Project Description: The description of the project.

Manager: The identification of the person that is project manager.

Manager Name: The name of the person that is project manager.

Status: The status of the project.

Program ID: The project to which the work order is connected.

Program Description: The program description.

Planned Start: The planned start date for the project. This value can be changed later. This value will be used as default value from the date for agreement in project quotation list.

Planned Finish: The Planned Finish date for the project. This value can be changed later. This value will be used as default value from the date for agreement in project quotation list

Requested/Fixed Start: The earliest Requested Start- or Fixed Start date of all work orders in the selected subproject or project.

Late Start: The latest date and time by which the work order with earliest Requested Finish connected to the activity must start in order to meet the date/time indicated in Requested Finish of the work order.