Create Start Values


This activity is used to initiate budget values either from balances, existing budget values, or from a combination of balances and existing budget values.


In order to perform this activity, a budget version of the Active status should exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the budget values are created for an existing budget version.


Budget Versions

Related Window Descriptions

Budget Versions
Initiate Start Values


To initiate budget values:

  1. Open the Budget Versions window and search for the budget version for which start values should be initiated.
  2. Select the required budget version, right-click and then click Initiate Start Values to open the Initiate Start Values dialog box. Budget year, budget version, description, and budget status are displayed automatically in this dialog box.
  3. Select Year Values Ledger Balances if you want to initiate budget values from years values in the General Ledger and Internal Ledger.
  4. Select Period Values Ledger Balances if you want to initiate budget values from period values in the General Ledger and Internal Ledger.
  5. Select Year Values Ledger Balances and Budget if you want to initiate budget values as a combination of year values in a ledger and a specified budget version.
  6. Select Period Values Ledger Balances and Budget if you want to initiate the budget values as a combination of period values in a ledger and a specified budget version.
  7. Enter the required values in the From Accounting Year, From Accounting Period, Until Accounting Year and Until Accounting Period fields.
  8. Enter the required values in the Budget Year and Budget Version fields if the initiation values are based on existing budget values.
  9. If the ledger of the budget version is Internal Ledger, enter the ledger ID for which the values should be initiated in the Ledger ID field.
  10. To specify the code parts from which information should be retrieved to initiate start values, select the relevant check boxes in the Group Condition group box.
  11. If you want to initiate values for a specific range of accounts, enter the the required values in the From Account and To Account fields.
  12. Click OK.