Load and Revise Integration Package


This activity is used to load the current integration package and make changes to allowed values, if necessary. This can be performed in the Manage Integration Package window. It is also possible to make and save changes to certain values on integration packages using the Replace dialog box and the Save changes link accordingly.


An integration package must exist.

System Effects

 The integration package will be influenced by the saved changes.

Related Window Descriptions

Manage Integration Package


Use the following procedure to load the integration package defined for the current job and make changes to its values:

  1. On the Manage Integration Package window, click the Load Current Integration Package link.
  2. Select the business object whose values you want to change on the business object tree.
  3. Select the Replace link to retrieve the Replace dialog box.
  4. Enter any character or characters belonging to the value you want to change, in the Find what field, and click Find. Simply clicking Find prior to entering values in the Find what field retrieves all business object values related to the particular business object irrespective of characters. 
  5. Enter the character or characters of the value you want to change the results of the Find search with, in the Replace with field.
  6. Select the row/rows of the objects displayed in the Find search that you want to replace the value with and click Replace or Replace All accordingly.
  7. If you wish to convert all upper case characters to lower case characters, click To Lower. Similarly if you wish to convert all lower case characters to upper case characters, click To Upper.
  8. Close the Replace dialog box, and click the Save Changes link.