Define Parameters for Export to Integration Package


This activity is used to filter business objects on the business object tree and to define those that have to be exported to the integration package. You can perform this activity in the Manage Job/Export tab where it is possible to prompt a complete export of business objects from the business object tree or an export with some exclusions of business objects. Checking a node for a business object in the tree makes it part of the export process while selecting a business object in the tree retrieves a configuration window where it is possible to define detailed conditions to influence export. Checking a low level node will automatically check all related higher nodes for that particular branch in the business object tree.


A job has to be created and the Export check box for the job has to be selected.

System Effects

The outbound integration package will export only those business objects with their relations and properties which have been selected from the business object tree and saved on the job.

Related Window Descriptions

Manage Job-Export


Use the following procedure to order a complete export of all business objects from the business object tree:

  1. From the Manage Job window, select the Export check box to enable its corresponding Export tab on the taskbar.
  2. On the Export tab, select the Configuration node, right-click and then click the menu option Check all sub nodes to select the entire branch. Repeat this step for the Part, Asset and Document nodes.
  3. Select the Standard node and in the window retrieved, click List of Values to select a standard to influence the export.
  4. Select the Plant node and in the window retrieved, click List of Values to select a plant to influence the export
  5. Click Save.

Use the following procedure to order a selective export of business objects from the business object tree:

  1. From the Manage Job window, select the Export check box to enable its corresponding Export tab on the taskbar.
  2. On the Export tab, select the Configuration node, right-click and then click the menu option Expand All Nodes. Repeat this step for Part, Asset and Document nodes.
  3. Select the Standard node and in the window retrieved, click List of Values to select a standard to influence the export.
  4. Select the Plant node and in the window retrieved, click List of Values to select a plant to influence the export.
  5. Select the desired nodes for the business objects to be exported and if they retrieve configuration windows to the lower right of the page, define any filtering criteria in those fields.
  6. Click Save.