Create Scheduled Task for AIIM


This activity is used to create a scheduled task for AIIM, such as the export and import of an integration package and the conversion of an integration package to and from Excel. Scheduling these tasks enables the automatic start of an export, import or conversion task for AIIM at a defined time and frequency, eliminating repetition and manual effort. The task scheduler from Microsoft Windows can be used for this.


System Effects



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open a task scheduler program on your client PC and create a task. (Most Windows systems has a program for scheduling tasks and can be used for scheduling AIIM.)
  2. Specify command line argumnets and its values. The following arguments can be used:

Host is used in order to set the server name and portnumber.

Job is the same as job name in AIIM.

Task can be one of the following:

An example of a program/script path to start AIIM:

"C:\Program Files\IFS Applications\Asset Information Integration Manager\Ifs.Application.PlantDesign.Migration.Manager.exe”

An example of command line with arguments, is as follows:


Note! Double quotation marks need to appear at the beginning and end of both the path and command line. Arguments must be separated by a “;” with no spaces in between.