Create Scheduled Task for AIIM
This activity is used to create a scheduled task for AIIM, such as the export
and import of an integration package and the conversion of an integration
package to and from Excel. Scheduling these tasks enables the automatic start of
an export, import or conversion task for AIIM at a defined time and frequency,
eliminating repetition and manual effort. The task scheduler from Microsoft
Windows can be used for this.
- The connection details, such as the Username, Password and Connecting
Server should be known.
- For the scheduling of exporting and importing integration package tasks,
the required jobs should be defined along with job parameters for export or
- For the scheduling of the conversion of an integration package from
Excel task, a plug-in package on the current job must have already been exported.
- For the scheduling of the conversion of an integration package to Excel
task, an integration package of the current job that has a plug-in selected on it must have already been exported.
System Effects
- AIIM will be started, in the background, and perform actions according to command line
- The status of the operations and any errors or information with regard
to the task is shown in the ScheduledTaskLog.txt file which will
be within the ..\logs\.. folder.
Related Window Descriptions
- Open a task scheduler program on your client PC and create a task. (Most
Windows systems has a program for scheduling tasks and can be used for
scheduling AIIM.)
- Specify command line argumnets and its values. The following arguments
can be used:
- username
- password
- host
- job
- task
Host is used in order to set the server name and portnumber.
Job is the same as job name in AIIM.
Task can be one of the following:
- EXPORTDATABASECORE (Export from the database.)
- IMPORTDATABASECORE (Import back to the database.)
- CONVERTTOEXCELBASIC (Converts an integration package to an Excel
- CONVERTFROMEXCELBASIC (Converts an Excel sheet to an integration
An example of a program/script path to start AIIM:
Files\IFS Applications\Asset Information Integration
An example of command line with arguments, is as follows:
Note! Double quotation marks need to appear at the beginning and end of both
path and command line.
must be separated by a “;” with no spaces in between.