Asset Information Integration Management

IFS/Asset Information Integration Manager™ is a solution for managing export and import of configuration and asset information (i.e. functional objects, structures, characteristics, documents etc.) from and to IFS/Asset Data Management™ and IFS/Document Management™ in the form of integration packages. The exported information, which is the foundation for design or redesign, is sent to contractors and engineering companies for basic as well as detailed engineering. New and updated information can be sent back in the form of continuous snapshots taken during the project for:

Complete information-delivery can be done after the project using the same tool. The information flow is as shown below:

A - IFS/EquipmentTM
B - IFS/ProcurementTM
C - IFS/ProjectTM
D - IFS/Asset Data ManagementTM
E - IFS/Asset Information Integration ManagerTM
F - Integration Package
G - Plug-In Package in MS ExcelTM
H - Other Plug-In Packages
I - Design and Engineering

IFS/Document Management™ contributes to the IFS/Asset Data Management™.

IFS/Asset Data Management™ provides a powerful set of integrated tools for managing engineering data such as configurations, plant data and documents. The tool facilitates easy navigation through engineering structures, for example functional or location breakdown of structures. The module supports documentation and engineering of facilities in offshore industries and land-based process plants. It is aimed at engineering contractors and owner-operators as follows:

IFS/Document Management™ is a very powerful tool for structuring information and storing it in a electronic document archive. Keeping track of all the documentation in an organization is a critical factor for ensuring that operations flow efficiently. The documents are stored in a common database and can be searched for by document class, type, group or with free-text searching. There are routines for revision management, quality control and distribution of documents. Any document can be connected to any type of business objects such as projects, design parts, document folders, work order etc.

Integration Packages - An integration package is the result of an export of asset information from either IFS Applications (using AIIM) or Bentley engineering solutions. An integration package can be imported into either IFS Applications or Bentley engineering solutions using the same set of tools. The package is a collection of information based on a defined and an open schema. An integration package consists of an XML document and optionally one or more file representations of documents, depending on the set of information that has been selected for export. An integration package contains all or a subset of the following information: functional object information, characteristics, structures, relations, parts, spare parts, documents, relationships and configuration.

Plug-In Package in MS Excel™ - An MS Excel Plug-In Package is the result of the conversion of the exported integration package and contains all the exported asset information. This plug-in should be selected on the required job prior to undertaking to export the plug-in package. Once the plug-in package has been exported, it can be viewed in MS Excel format and consequently modified by the addition, deletion or modification of records. The plug-in package can then be imported to IFS/Asset Information Integration ManagerTM which creates an import integration package.

Other Plug-In Packages - The open architecture of IFS/Asset Information Integration Manager TM makes it possible to support other plug-ins for asset data management depending on the market requirements.

Design and Engineering - Owner-operators and EPCI contractors can use Bentley systems for managing integration packages during design and engineering. Bentley systems and its DigitalPlant solutions are used around the world on projects ranging from small retrofits and expansions to large, full-scale facility design and constructions.

AIIM Tasks

The following tasks can be carried out with IFS/Asset Information Integration Manager™ tool :