Asset Design Basics

Description of process

The Asset Design Basics process is made up of many sub processes which cover the definition of the basic data needed in the Asset Design, Asset Engineering and Asset Procurement phases to come. The following is a description of each sub process:

Define Standard

The standard is the information a company uses to structure and classify its assets. Defining a standard is the starting point for configuring IFS/Asset Design. The majority of Asset Design Basic Data, such as plants, classes, class relations, technical attributes, and object/design part ID numbering schemes are based on the Standard. A Default Class (*) for the standard is generated by the system simultaneously with the standard.

Define Plant

The plant is defined after the standard. The plant holds a majority of asset information as well. Once a plant has been established it is possible to filter the users per plant. In doing so it is possible to regulate, alongside general plant details, which users will be allowed or restricted to set the chosen plant as their default plant. Users who are not defined for a particular plant will not be able to navigate the chosen plant or set it as a User Default Plant. When a new plant has been created all users are granted access by default, unless the setting has been explicitly modified.

Define System Variables

This sub process handles the definition of system variables which can be configured to control system behavior in specific situations. The variables that can be configured are predefined.

Define Object Connection Types

This sub process handles the definition of object connection types which are required to show how design objects can be related to each other. Object connection types should in turn be configured as Class Relations via the Define Class process, and then used in design object connections between objects of different classes.

Define Class

Another important basic data definition is the definition of a class which can be a design object class, design part class or a class for both design objects and design parts. Once a class has been created, class relations and class properties can be set up. Alternatively a class can be copied from an existing class to bypass the repetition of setting up class relations and class properties. ID Models and ID Separators, which determine how the design object and design part IDs are to be registered and displayed, will also be defined in this process.

Define Technical Characteristics

Prior to starting the activities in this sub process, technical classes and technical attributes need to be created and then connected to form a technical class template in IFS/Application Services. This sub process involves connecting a technical class template, to a design object or design part class to enable the inheritance and definition of technical attributes, such as temperature, pressure and volume, among others, for objects or design parts of the same class. If post-connection changes were made to the technical class template, a manual refresh needs to be performed in order to update existing objects or design parts.

Define Report Configurations

This sub process involves defining parameters for reports, and mapping technical attributes and page break items to report parameters. These parameters and the values for attributes will be displayed when the respective reports are ordered.

Define Milestone Template

This sub process involves creating milestone templates, comprising of milestones, to be used to reflect the progress of design objects. Each milestone can also be connected to an available design status. Once the design status is changed, this will then update the progress of the design object according to the milestone corresponding to the design status.

Define Navigational Properties

This sub process involves defining navigational models, with node display items and navigational model items. If used in tree view configurations, these models could determine the folder structure, levels and folder format of a tree view that is used to display design objects and design parts within the Business Object Explorer. It is also possible to define and configure design object and design part tree views as part of this sub process (with or without using them in navigational models). These user specific configurations determine the required graphical representation of design objects, design parts and related information that will be visible and navigable in the Business Object Explorer.

Define Default Data Generator

This sub process involves defining a default data generator to insert default values and modify data when creating, modifying or deleting an object or design part.

Define Punch List Basic Data

This sub process involves defining the basic data that is to be used in Punch List Management activities.

Define Process Data Cross Reference

This sub process involves creating a cross-referencing attribute scheme between two classes that share process data to enable the automatic notification of value differences between objects of these classes. A valid process object should be defined on the object of one class.

Define Design Part Codes on Class

This sub process involves creating a design part code collection, and defining design part codes for the code collection on a class. After this sub process, codes will be available for both design parts and design objects of the respective class, facilitating the automatic matching of codes and the connection of a design part to a design object.

Define User Settings

This sub process involves setting a default plant, project and activity for a particular user so that these values will be automatically entered on the relevant business objects, during their creation.