Create Class


This activity is used to create a class name for a particular type of design object or engineering part. Design object classes assign relations, properties, ID models ID separators and technical classes (characteristics templates), among others, and are the primary grouping method standard that is used by any plant structure. A class can be design object class, part class or both.

The addition of a parent class on the class makes it possible to create class structures, which will later enable the class of a design object to be changed. The definition of equipment object information and milestone information on the class, can also be reused as default values in equipment handling and project connection activities respectively.

If IFS/Linear Asset is installed the check box option Linear Asset will be available. Choosing the Linear Asset check box and the Design Object Class check box enables the creation of a linear asset when creating a design object. If a class is of linear asset type it is not possible to enter Object Type and Object Level.


A standard must be defined.

System Effects

A design object class and linear asset class is created in Asset Design.

A part class is created in PDM. This happens once the record is saved and where check box Part Class is selected.




Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Class or Classes window.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Standard field, enter the name of the standard to which the class belongs. Use the List of Values to select a suitable standard. If a user default plant has been defined in the User Settings dialog box, the standard of that plant will be displayed here by default.
  4. In the Class field, enter a unique name for the class based on your plant standard. Use letters and numbers in your Class names. Avoid the following characters: ' (apostrophe), & (AND), \ (backslash).
  5. In the Description field, enter a short description of the class, if required. 
  6. In the Class Identifier field, enter an internal class name that will serve as a comparative name across sites that may use differing languages. This name may be the same as the class, or perhaps the class in another language. Enter a class identifier that is unique for the standard.
  7. Select the Design Object Class check box, Part Class check box, Linear Asset check box or a combination as required.
  8. Assign one or more engineering disciplines to the class by selecting the check boxes against the disciplines, e.g. the check boxes for Mechanical and Process for a PUMP class.
  9. Optionally, on the General tab, define the Primary and Secondary IDs to include when copying objects of a class.
  10. Click Save.

You can also create a class for a particular on the Standard window. Open the Standard window, query for the standard for which the class is being created and perform steps 1-9 with the exception of 3, as the class will be created for the standard displayed in the header of the Standard window.