Manage Job

[About Job] [To Asset Information Integration Management]


Use this window to view and edit details on the current job. You are able to perform the following actions in this window:

  1. New: Opens a blank record which is ready for editing. This action also disables the lower frame of the window containing the process tabs which are enabled again when the record is saved. Once saved, this job becomes the current job of the user.
  2. Save: Saves all pending changes and sets the edited job as the current job.
  3. Query: Lists the filtering options to search for the required job/s. A query rendering a single search result displays the job in the Manage Job frame and sets the queried job as the current one, whereas a query rendering many search results displays the result in an overview form and leaves the current job unaffected.
  4. Delete: Marks the current job for deletion. Click Save to complete the deletion.

You can define which processes, export and import, are part of the job by selecting the appropriately named check box to enable its corresponding tab. It is also possible to view associated job history records. For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Export, Import, History.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Asset Information Integration Management


Enter Main Information about a Job


This window contains:

Job: The name of the current job. A value in this field is required.

Description: The description of the current job. A value in this field is required.

Description Long: An extended description for the current job.

Created By: The name of the current user. The information in this field appears automatically.

Created: The timestamp for when current job was created. The information in this field appears automatically.

Company: Name of the company to which the job belongs to.

Contact: Name of the person to be contacted with regard to the job.

Plug In: Use the List of Values to select a suitable plug-in value from the plug-in directory.