Assign Employee Schedules and Rules Using Assistant


This activity is used to assign employees to new schedules and rules. You can assign multiple employees at once. If any employees are assigned to an old schedule and have absence requests registered based on it, the assistant will attempt to correct the absence requests to fit the new schedule.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, schedules and rules will be assigned to a selected group of employees.


Schedules and Rules Assistant

Related Window Descriptions

Schedules and Rules Assistant


  1. Open Schedules and Rules Assistant.
  2. Select the employees who should be assigned a new schedule or rule:
  3. You can review schedule and rule information of selected employees in the table.

    In the New Schedule Assignment area, enter information about schedules and rules which you want to assign
  4. In the Valid From enter the start date of the schedule and rule assignment.
  5. In the Valid To field, select how the end date for the schedule and rule assignment will be set. Following options are available:
  6. In the Wage Class field, enter the wage class which you want to assign to employees (you can read more about it here).
  7. In the Schedule field, enter the schedule to which you want to assign your employees.
  8. In the Shift field, enter the shift which you want your employees to work.
  9. In the Shift at Valid From field, you can enter from which shift the employee will start working.
  10. In the Time and Attendance Time Base field, select how the employees will report time. Following values are available:
  11. In the Rule Type field, you can enter identifier of a rule which combines an overtime rule, a parameter list and a number of time balances. This rule will be assigned to employees and used in their time and attendance calculation.
  12. In the PHC Schedule field, you can enter the ID of a public holiday compensation schedule. The schedule manages how the hourly salary of an employee is calculated if a public holiday takes place during a standard working day.
  13. In the Emergency Schedule field, you can enter the identifier of an emergency schedule which will be connected to employees.
  14. In the Selection Group field, you can add employees to a predefined selection group.
  15. In the Increment Schedule field, enter the identifier of an increment schedule which will be connected to employees.
  16. In the Increment Shift field, enter the shift of the increment cycle schedule to which employees should be assigned.
  17. In the Incr. Shift at Valid From field, enter the increment shift from which the increment schedule should apply on a day when employees starts work.
  18. In the Flexible Work Time field, specify how  how daily work time is calculated.
    Following options are available:
  19. Select the Entitled to Overtime check box if the employee schedule should allow overtime to be calculated. If cleared, the time card calculation will not recognize an overtime interval, meaning that Overtime Cash and Overtime Comp clockings will be calculated as Normal.
  20. Click Next.
  21. If there are any errors or warnings during the schedule and rule assignment, an additional step will appear and list all affected assignments. In case of warnings you can ignore them by selecting the Ignore Warnings check box. Any assignments which are listed and do not have the check box selected will not be made.
  22. Click Next. The list of all employees whose schedule was successfully changed will appear.
  23. In the Recalculation Options field, select how the employee clockings will be recalculated. Following options are available:
  24. Select the Match existing absences with the new schedule check box if you want to adjust the absences registered within the validity period of the new schedule. The system will try to fit them into the new schedule hours. All affected absences can be viewed in the Schedules and Rules Assignment Log window.
  25. Select the Match existing absence request with the new schedule check box if you want to adjust the absence requests registered within the validity period of the new schedule. The system will try to fit them into the new schedule hours. All affected absences can be viewed in the Schedules and Rules Assignment Log window.
  26. In the Status Control area:
  27. Click Next. If any of the employees has absences registered during their assignment to a new schedule, the Adjustment Options - Absences step will appear.
  28. In the top half of the step, select how to adjust the full day absences registered by the employees (listed in the table below).
    Note: This setting can be changed later on for specific absences.
    Following options are available:
  29. The option selected in step 28 will be automatically applied to all employees listed in the table. If you want to, you can change this setting for specific employees directly in the table, in the Override Adjustment Option field.
  30. In the bottom half of the step, select how to adjust part day absences registered by the employees (listed in the table below).
    Note: This setting can be changed later on for specific absences.
    Following options are available:
  31. The option selected in step 30 will be automatically applied to all employees listed in the table. If you want to, you can change this setting for specific employees directly in the table, in the Override Adjustment Option field.
  32. Click Next. if any employee has absence requests registered during their new schedule assignment, the Adjustment Options - Absences Requests step will appear.
  33. Select how to adjust registered absence requests registered by the employees who are listed in the table below.
    Note: This setting can be changed later on for absence requests of specific employees.
    Following options are available:
  34. The option selected in step 33 will be automatically applied to all employees listed in the table. If you want to, you can change this setting for specific employees directly in the table, in the Override Adjustment Option field.
  35. Click Finish. You will be informed that the assignment log has been created in the Schedules and Rules Assignment Log window. If you have any absences or absence requests for manual correction, you can press Yes and immediately move to subsequent activities.